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Posts published in “Club Meetings”

Radio Clubs in the Park

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Our friends in the north, the Upper Pinellas Amateur Radio Club, have for a long time done a monthly foray into a local park called UPARC in the Park. This is to setup radios/antennas and just get together for some outdoor fun. Since we all enjoy getting together at the “Field Days” with UPARC and CARS, we decided to do a joint Radio Clubs in the Park.  On September 21, 2019, at Eagle Lake Park in Largo, we invite everyone to

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Pinellas Radio Clubs in the Park – Save the Date

On Saturday September 21st, 2019 starting at 9:00AM, several Pinellas County clubs will host “Pinellas Radio Clubs in the Park” This will be held at the centrally-located Eagle Lake Park at 1800 Keene Road in Largo. The general idea is setup of portable equipment, make a few contacts, visit with friends—old and new—and meet members of some other clubs for a picnic. This follows a tradition started by the Upper Pinellas ARC to get into the field each month for fun out in the open air full of radio related … Click for more

Don’t miss this Friday’s Club Meeting, May 3

Pat, AA0O will present Parks on the Air (POTA) this Friday night, May 3 at the SPARC monthly meeting.
The presentation will explain the POTA program and Pat will bring along some of his equipment used in his quest to activate as many parks in the area as possible as well as tips on activating and hunting other activations.

AA0O will tell us about some of the local parks and his experiences. The presentation will include pictures from his activations and other participants around the country.
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Learn about Ham Radio Satellite communications, Feb 1, SPARC Club Meeting

Join us February 1 at the SPARC monthly meeting for a presentation on ham satellite communications.  Drew, KO4MA, AMSAT Vice-President Operations and Member of the Board will present and if conditions are right may be able to demonstrate a satellite QSO.

AMSAT is a worldwide group of Amateur Radio Operators who share an active interest in building, launching and then communicating with each other through non-commercial Amateur Radio satellites.

The Radio Amateur Satellite Corporation (AMSAT) was formed in 1969 as a not-for-profit educational organization. Its aim is to foster Amateur … Click for more

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