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Posts published in “Club Meetings”

Weak Signal On-Air Demonstration

Join us at the Friday, Oct 7th SPARC meeting where Ed, NZ1Q will demonstrate digital modes JT65 and JT9. This demonstration will be conducted live on the HF bands.

The “JT” in JT65 is Dr. Joe Taylor, K1JT. Joe is the Nobel Prize winning physicist who wrote the software that makes amateur weak signal communication possible. This software is available at no cost to amateurs who would like to explore the world of weak signal communications. Even when the bands are close there are stations on using the JT … Click for more

Military Communications, by Col. Craig Hook, USAF (Ret.)

Don’t miss a special presentation by Retired USAF Colonel Craig Hook, KE4VPK and SPARC member. Craig will tell us about military use of communications equipment used in the field and share some of his slides from his deployment in Afghanistan right after 9/11.C Hook


The US Military has developed robust satellite communications used in conjunction with more traditional HF radio communications.  We will hear about communications equipment in the military, how it is deployed, used, important features, and some of Craig’s experiences, along with comment on how well it all … Click for more

May Meeting Program Update

At the May 6th club meeting our program will include several examples of a “Go Box.” These portable communications centers can easily be

Sample Go Box
Sample Go Box

transported by one person, setup quickly and provide communications on different bands and modes during emergencies or other communication events..

Learn about their purpose, capabilities, how to plan and make your own. Our presenters will each demonstrate their own projects. We will hear from: Andy, KI4VOS; Udo, KF4KUL and
Clayton, KJ4RUS. We also plan to fire up some of the equipment as a demonstration.
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Net Manager Needed

After many years of dedicated service, Johnnie, W4TSP has decided to step down as SPARC Net Manager as of July 1, 2016. ThaHere's what's happeningnk you Johnnie for all the time you spent keeping the net on the air 7/365.

If you are interested in the position of SPARC Net Manager, please contact Johnnie or Bob, N2ESP. We also have the Wednesday night net controller available for those not interested in a “management” position.

If you are a SPARC Net regular, please consider stepping up to help the club maintain its Click for more

Mid Florida DX Association Featured Program

Join in on our Friday, March 4th meeting for a very special evening with Tony DeAngelo, N2MFT,Mid FLorida DX Assn Logo President of the Mid Florida DX Association.  Tony will present some of the club’s motivation, planning, execution and results for activation of National Parks as part of the ARRL yearlong program.  MFDXA has already activated two National Parks and is planning more.

We will also hear about the Mid Florida DX Association’s other activities. One of their services is QSL card checking for DXCC awards credit. Tony will give us a little … Click for more

Radio Testing to be Rescheduled

Ham Radio Tower & SparksSeptember is the middle of hurricane season.  In an effort to make sure that your handheld and mobile transceivers are in good operational shape. SPARC will be available to test your HT and/or (uninstalled) mobile rig on TBD at the club station. HF, VHF & UHF radios can be accommodated.

Our radio gurus, will setup their service monitors and our spectrum analyzer to checkout your transceivers.  Be sure the battery is fully charge and the rig works.

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