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Posts published in “Secretary’s Minutes”

Mike Scott K4ZPE, SK

The SPARC club is sad to share that club member Mike Scott is now a silent key. Mike was a long-time SPARC club member, long-time member, and webmaster of the W4ORM club and by all reports a terrific person.  Also, Mike designed and published this website for SPARC.  Many of the original pages were authored by Mike.

Please keep Mike’s spouse and family in your thoughts. More information will be posted as it becomes available. 

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New Meeting Location

We will be holding our monthly meetings at DMI Research located at 6699 90th Ave N in Pinellas Park. We look forward to seeing everyone for our next meeting on May 6th.



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Monthly Meeting Location TBD

We will be moving the location of our monthly club meeting. We will post the new location as soon as we have a new location set.

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SPARC Holiday Gathering

Mark your calendars, the SPARC Holiday Party will be at 2pm on Sunday February 6th at Kristina’s Cafe.

Hope to see all of you there!



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Ron Hall KP2N, Silent Key

As many of you may know, Ron Hall, KP2N, passed away earlier this month as is now SK. Ron was a long-time member of SPARC, licensed since the 1950s. He was instrumental in the US VI (see link) even serving as ARRL section head there. He also worked for heathkit (see this youtube) as well. he was a wonderful man and will be missed by all in the club. 

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2022 officer and board member elections

The club held its annual elections at the November meeting and all candidates ran unopposed and were elected unanimously. 

Your 2022 executive board is as follows:

  • President: Pat Connely, AA0O
  • Vice-President: Lisa Neuscheler, KC1YL
  • Treasurer: Tom Wedding, AI4QP
  • Secretary: Charles Adkinson, W4BPP
  • Board Member: Dee Turner, N4GD
  • Board Member: John Toth, KI4UIP
  • Board Member: Rich Cariello, AA2MF


Thanks to these fine folks for their efforts and for all who donate time, talent, or treasure to help make SPARC what it is. 


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