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Posts published in “Club Business”

Ron Hall KP2N, Silent Key

As many of you may know, Ron Hall, KP2N, passed away earlier this month as is now SK. Ron was a long-time member of SPARC, licensed since the 1950s. He was instrumental in the US VI (see link) even serving as ARRL section head there. He also worked for heathkit (see this youtube) as well. he was a wonderful man and will be missed by all in the club. 

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2022 officer and board member elections

The club held its annual elections at the November meeting and all candidates ran unopposed and were elected unanimously. 

Your 2022 executive board is as follows:

  • President: Pat Connely, AA0O
  • Vice-President: Lisa Neuscheler, KC1YL
  • Treasurer: Tom Wedding, AI4QP
  • Secretary: Charles Adkinson, W4BPP
  • Board Member: Dee Turner, N4GD
  • Board Member: John Toth, KI4UIP
  • Board Member: Rich Cariello, AA2MF


Thanks to these fine folks for their efforts and for all who donate time, talent, or treasure to help make SPARC what it is. 


Related Images:

SPARC Open House – Sunday October 24th 11a-3pm

Just a reminder that SPARC is hosting it’s open house on Sunday the 24th of October from 11-3pm. Several folks have already RSVPed but there is plenty of times to come out, and no time slot is filled at the moment. There will be donuts and coffee and the opportunity to see our club station in action, ask questions, get some elmering, and even to get on the air…. come out regardless of your license, our control operators will all be Extras so you’ll have a chance to play on … Click for more

2021 Annual Elections

Members of SPARC – we have our annual election of Officers and Board Members coming up. 

At the October meeting, the nominating committee will announce nominations we have come up with, and we will call for nominations from the floor.   

At that time, any member wishing to nominate someone, or themselves, for a particular position, can do so.  Remember, you must be a current SPARC member.  At the following meeting in November, we will hold the election.  Hal Chase W1EES will handle the collection of nominations again(Thanks Hal!).  Click for more

PayPal available for dues payments

We’ve setup a PayPal for the club to make it easier to collect dues.  Dues are $20 for single or $25 for household membership per year.

PayPal payments can be sent to  Clicking on the email link will take you to the PayPal payment website.  Please include your callsign in the note.  If you send a payment to the email without using the link please select the “Send to someone you trust” (Friends and Family) option so the club doesn’t pay fees.  If you need to select the … Click for more

Aardvarks Rank High in Makrothen RTTY Contest

Seeing the need for a small Radiosport (contest) group, two SPARC members, Tom W4CU and Rich AA2MF asked members of CARS, SPARC and UPARC if they would be interested in learning more about contesting by joining a small local group. As a result, the Aardvark Wireless Group was formed.  When asked how the name was chosen, Tom stated “we’ll always be at the top of the list.” Members of the group consist of both experienced contesters and folks that have never participated in a contest. The group provides a focal … Click for more

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