Board Meeting Saturday May 28, 2016.
Meeting called to order at 2:00pm by Club President, Bob – N2ESP with nine members in attendance.
Old Business:
The rebar for the new club tower is ready and the base has been cleaned and prepared for installation. Discussed if a contractor should be hired or if club members should do the installation of the tower. Quotes will be obtained from contractors. Discussed the need for a new Net Control Manager, Rick – KK4WTE volunteered to replace Johnnie – W4TSP who will retire from that duty.
To prepare for Field Day this year, discussed having a dry run of equipment setup, and radio and computer checks on Saturday, June 4th. Members are welcome to attend. Food for Field Day will be covered dishes provided by the membership, sign up sheets for different dishes are available.
New Business:
George – W1AAG has donated a weather station to the club and the membership will be asked if there is any interest in installing it at the club station as well as observing and helping with the install. Will discuss with the membership about giving future SPARC Award recipients a gift card along with the award. Discussed having the Net Controllers promote the club website during the nightly nets.
Meeting concluded at 2:51pm..
Respectfully submitted,
Ron - KK4KRC