In attendance;
Bob-N2ESP, Clayton-KJ4RUS, Tom-AI4QP, Donn-N4KII, Ron-KP2N, Dave-KR4U, Dee-N4GD, Ron-KK4KRC and John-KI4UIP.
Meeting brought to order at 2:00p.m. Old business – Discussed the club tower project, Clayton-KJ4RUS has located an Engineer to sign of on the plans to submit for the permit and the cost of $200-$500 for this was approved by the board. Discussed having club members dig the hole and pore the concrete for the tower, will ask the membership for volunteers. The club house was cleaned before the board meeting with new shelves installed in the shack.
New business – Discussed SPARC Fest, and the need for programs for monthly club meetings. September’s meeting, Ron-KP2N and Dee-N4GD, will provide HT and mobile radio testing on September 12, 2015 at the club house. Discussed this year’s Science Festival, SPARC will have a display in roughly the space as last year, with a demonstration of satellite communications setup. Discussed setting up King Hussein’s HeathKit SB-104 rig that was donated to SPARC by Bruce “Blackie” Blackburn, W4TA/JY99BB in the shack.
Meeting closed at 2:34p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Ron Graham – KK4KRC