Meeting held at DMI research
Meeting called to order at 1930
Minutes by Charles, W4BPP
Executive members in attendance:
President: Pat Connelly, AA0O
Vice President: Lisa KC1YL
Secretary: Charles Adkinson, W4BPP
Board Member: John Toth, KI4UIP
Board Member Rich Cariello AA2MF
Past President: Bob Wanek, N2ESP
Club Trustee: Dave, KR4U
Repeater Trustee: Billy, KN4LUZ
Business Meeting start and greeting:
- The meeting opens with the pledge of allegiance
- Several new members, guests, and first timers recognized and introduced themselves
- several attendees from zoom
- last months minutes approved
- Secretary’s Report:
- Verification of minutes compliance
- VP report:
- SPARC in the Park on December 4th
- Treasurer report (presented by Pat due to Tom’s absence):
- All income and expenses are rectified and in balance
- 3 new members accepted into club during the month
- VE report
- Tuesday:
- 2 passed
- Tuesday:
- Net Manager Report, Repeater Trustee Report Billy KN4LUZ
- 656 check in
- 35 messages
- 1085 minutes
- 35 sessions
- Let’s say Rick with the highest number of check-ins this month with more than 20 and less than 100
- Repeater Report. KN4LUZ Bill
- 220 repeater wasn’t working. Efforts were made to verify if the issue is antenna, coax, or radio, seems to be antenna or coax so far. More next month.
- use your repeater, join the daily 630pm net
- Trustee Report, Dave KR4U
- Hurricane Ian broke the 2m/440 antenna, it has since be remounted.
- Balun on 160m antenna was pulled down for verification, it was not the issue with the 160m antenna
- Station historical paperwork was reviewed and sorted for Pat’s “history of the club” efforts.
- Efforts by DMI to clean out our future home continue.
- website report
- website appears to be working well, send any posts or reports, or corrections
- Elections are held for both executive group and board members. All run unopposed and are re-elected
Old Business:
- Board meeting, minutes on website. Pat provides a run down of the topics
- SPARC Fest
- FL POTA Meetup 11/5 in Lake Louisa
- SPARC in the Park 12/4 sawgrass lake park
New Business:
- Richard AA2MF solicits members for a new committee (the SPARC Station Management committee or SPAMCo) to manage the station.
- St Pete Science Fair 2/17-18
- QSL Card Wax Stamp
- FCG no dues going forward, donation only moving forward
- Winter field day 1/28-29
- American museum victory ship, there will be an operating event on veterans day from 10-5pm
Ham fests
- 11/5 SERC
- 11/12 SPARCFEST!!
- 12/9-10 TB Hamfest
- 2/10-10 Hamcation
Elmering Session
- Not held this month
- A presentation on grounding by John KM4FZP
Contest Report:
- Pat provided a run down of upcoming contests contact him for information
Meeting Adjourned 21:17
50/50 Raffle is held