Meeting held 5th Ave Baptist Church Parking
Meeting called to order at 1930
Minutes by Charles, W4BPP
Executive members in attendance:
President: Pat Connely, AA0O
Vice-President: Lisa Neuscheler, KC1YL
Treasurer: Tom Wedding, AI4QP
Board Member: Rich AA2MF
Board Member: John Toth, KI4UIP
Past President: Bob Wanek, N2ESP
Club Trustee: Dave, KR4U
Repeater Trustee: Billy, KN4LUZ
Meeting start and greeting:
- The meeting opens with the pledge of allegiance
- New members, guests, and first timers recognized and introduced themselves
- 4 attendees from zoom
- Secretary’s Report:
- Review of last meeting and receipt of various reports recorded
- minutes from last meeting on website
- Soliciting presentation ideas/topics
- VP report:
- Nothing to report
- Treasurer report:
- All income and expenses are rectified and in balance
- several new members accepted into club during the month
- New member applications welcomed and accepted
- VE report
- Tuesday:
- 4 passed
- Saturday:
- 4 passed
- Tuesday:
- Net Manager Report, Repeater Trustee Report Billy KN4LUZ
- 655 check in
- 39 messages
- 1162 minutes
- 35 sessions
- Alex with check in record for the month at QNI 28!
- Repeater Report. KN4LUZ Bill
- all 3 seem to be working well
- Trustee Report, Dave KR4U
- Station is handsome and charming.
- Open house went well
- Tower progress is on site
- 160m dipole support will be reworked
Old Business:
- Election, all officers and board members are elected for another year unanimously.
President: Pat Connely, AA0O
Vice-President: Lisa Neuscheler, KC1YL
Treasurer: Tom Wedding, AI4QP
Secretary: Charles Adkinson, W4BPP
Board Member: Dee Turner, N4GD
Board Member: John Toth, KI4UIP
Board Member: Rich Cariello, AA2MF
- SPARC Fest is the 13th at zero dark thirty
- Boy Scout JOTA was kind of a miss
- Sawgrass Lake Park POTA was a success
- Florida POTA Meetup in colt creek in feb 2022
- Open House was a success
- Tower update – AA2MF
New Business:
- DMI is reworking the meeting room.
- Victory ship at Sparkman wharf for veterans day 10th – 14th 10a-3pm
- Club station committee AA2MF
Ham fests
- 11/13 SPARCfest
- 12/10 Tampabay hamfest plant city
Elmering Session
- Not held this week
- Presentation: Lisa KC1YL
Contest Report:
- Pat AA0O provides a rundown of upcoming contests
Meeting Adjourned 21:09
50/50 Raffle is held