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SPARC Executive Board Meeting – July 20, 2021

Meeting to order at 17:07 at dmi research


Pat aa0o

Charles w4bpp

Dave kr4u

Dee n4gd

Tom ai4qp

Rich aa2mf

Norm ka1iJa

John ki4uip

Don n4kii

A discussion of towers. Various antennas are discussed as well, as opposed to planning to rehang the same log periodic on a new tower. Next steps to contact tower manufacturers to find out who does permitting and install.

Discussion of donation. Charles suggests some kind of donation to a local school or other program  to continue on in donators name. No other suggestions as of now.

Sparc field day aside from tri-club group discussed as a concept

Discussion of elmering. Topic for next meeting. Topic also we have a station. Plan for an open house/meet and greet. Open q/a session during meeting. 

501c discussion. We are already. We need to revise to be able to accept tax deductible donations. Unclear that we are a version that can accept donations or has complicated reporting instructions.

Qsl cards. Pat designed and will order 2500.

Sparcfest. Roles to be assigned. Tom to sort out insurance adjustments.

Gmrs discussed. Will be discussed further.

Meeting adjourned 18:15

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