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Minutes of SPARC Meeting –  January 3, 2020

Minutes of SPARC Meeting –  January 3, 2020

Meeting called to order by Pat AA0O at 7:30 PM followed by the Pledge of allegiance. 

First time visitors and member role call was taken.

Rich AA2MF Club Secretary spoke about the new 2020 SPARC survey being passed around asking to make sure everyone fulled one out and when turning it in leave time for a quick chat about the questions. Make sure to turn it in before leaving tonights meeting. 


Club Trustee Dave KR4U spoke about new coax correcting the high SWR from the tri-band beam antenna. Also mentioned the RTTY Roundup Contest.

Web Design Tom NY4I No report.

Repeater Trustee Ron KP2N no report.

Membership Tom AI4QP Five new members:

Keven McNeilly KB2TKE

Glenn Panazzolo N4ESU

Luke Ferrone NF3E

Edward Caplan W3CC

Larry Rubin WB1DME

Treasures Report Tom AI4QP Audit Report was presented voted and approved by the membership.

Old Business 

Tom NY4I reported on Winter Field Day.

Requesting of $200 for Food membership voted and approved.

New Business


Ham Nation

Lake Seminole Park event March 14th

Meeting program AL4B QSL Cards

Meeting Adjourned 8:30 PM

Respectfully submitted,

Rich AA2MF Secretary

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