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Our friends in the north, the Upper Pinellas Amateur Radio Club, have for a long time done a monthly foray into a local park called UPARC in the Park. This is to setup radios/antennas and just get together for some outdoor fun. Since we all enjoy getting together at the “Field Days” with UPARC and CARS, we decided to do a joint Radio Clubs in the Park. On September 21, 2019, at Eagle Lake Park in Largo, we invite everyone to join us for Radio Clubs in the Park. CARS/SPARC/UPARC will once again team up to have a great day of operating in field type conditions. This is a more hands-on type activity and you are encouraged to bring any portable gear you have to setup. The setup and testing of gear is the important part. Of course, being hams, we will also have a picnic lunch with the clubs providing the main dish. Look for a sign-up sheet soon to put your name to bring something to make the picnic possible. Planned activities include a transmitter fox hunt (so bring your HT, directional 2m antenna and any other gear for that). We will also have a satellite demonstration with maybe even a contact or two.
Make plans now to attend Radio Clubs in the Park on September 21, 2019 at 9:00 AM at Shelter #4. We will go as long in the day as we want to hang around. This is sure to be a fun even you will not want to miss.