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Minutes of SPARC Meeting – March 2, 2018

Meeting called to order by Bob N2ESP at 7:30PM followed by the pledge of allegiance and a moment of silence for Phil, KG4IGS. Acknowledgment of guests and introduction were done. Secretary’s minutes for January meeting and board meeting are posted on the club website and accepted by the membership. Treasures report was given by Tom AI4QP. Vice President Ed NZ1Q Spoke about the ARRL SSDX Contest happening this weekend. Rick KK4WTE gave the Net Manager’s report. Dave KR4U gave the Club Trustee report, spoke about how well the club did during the NAQP and the live video feed setup by Tom NY4I. Articles were requested for the club web site by Bob N2ESP. The club repeater report was given by Trustee Ron KP4N, everything is working well. Membership report given by Bob N2ESP, four new members, Lee Boulineau KX4KEN, D. Michael “Mike” Flanery KJ4FED, Matthew R Philbrook KN4KEN, Winston Manning VE3YFB/W4 were introduced and voted in. The VE Report was given by Don N4KII noting that the special testing on February 12th went very well. OLD BUSINESS: Bob N2ESP reported the After Holiday Party will be held at Bob Evens on Tyrone Blvd March 18th at 4PM and club dues are still being collected. A belated 2016 Net Managers Award was presented to Bill WZ4GW by Rick KK4WTE. NEW BUSINESS: To be considered by the club: ARRL Summer Field Day held in June where we combine our effort as a county wide event as done for the Winter Field Day. The proposed field day site would be at the Clearwater Fire Training Facility. Mentors are needed for a home schooled 13 year boy looking to get into ham radio, located in the St Pete area. On April 21st Tom NY4I will be running a class on the DXLAB Software and Log Book of The World. Leslie, WA3EEZ presented to the club for consideration taking over the running of the TARA DIGITAL CONTEST. The thought of combining this effort with other area clubs was mentioned and will be looked into. Mike, K4HN noted the importance of when checking the Felon Box the submitting of the required paper work when renewing your license. Bob WA3OAB is looking for help during the “SUN AND FUN” event April 10th to 15th. A request of $374 for the new Antenna Analyzer was made and approved by the membership. Meeting Break called at 8PM. Meeting Called back to order 8:10PM. Programs: ENTROPY Sever Weather Detection Systems by Ed Shaver owner/inventor and Charlie, N4TBO. 9PM meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted, Rich, AA2MF, Secretary

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