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Minutes of SPARC Meeting April 5, 2024

Meeting held at DMI research
Meeting called to order at 19:30
Executive Staff
President: Rich AA2MF
Vice President: Carol AB4YI – (NOT PRESENT)
Treasurer: Will W7WMS
Secretary: Charles W4BPP
Elected Board members
Tom W4CU
Dee N4GD
Non-elected board members:
Immediate past president Pat AA0O
Club trustee Dave KR4U
Repeater trustee Bill KN4LUZ (NOT PRESENT)
SPARC gap editor Bruce KF4TYA)
The meeting opens with the pledge of allegiance.
New members, guests, and first timers recognized and introduced themselves.
Executive board meeting will be April 21st at 5pm, all are welcome to attend.
Carol, John, and Rich placed well in the Burtaugh RTTY contest.
Dave KR4U placed first in the 070 club PSK contest
Florida QSO Party April 27/28 in 2 shifts. Phone and CW contest.

Clayton, the technical systems coordinator from Pinellas County Emergency Management gives a talk on Pinellas county EOC, amateur radio, and their go kits.
Clayton is also a FEMA section chief, and also leads ARES/RACES emergency communications in Pinellas county as well as a state wide IMT member.

Visit for more information.
Also consider being a shelter radio operator volunteer

ACS has monthly meetings, the 3rd third meeting at the Pinellas county public safety complex on Ulmerton.

Meeting is adjourned at 20:42

Business Meeting is called to order at 20:54
The February and march meeting minutes have been submitted but not posted to the website.

Treasurer report, Will W7WS:
All income and expenses are rectified and in balance
Secretary’s Report, Charles W4BPP:
Charles W4BPP resigns position as SPARC Secretary effective the end of this meeting April 5,2024.

VP report Carol AB4YI:
Richard gives Carol’s report regarding QRZ and LOTW logs in her absence.

Two new members are welcomed to the club and voted in.

VE report Pat Connelly:
Seven attended with 4 upgrades and 2 new licensees!
Net Manager Report, Repeater Trustee Report Billy KN4LUZ (as presented by Charles, W4BPP)
Recorded and filed by the secretary

Repeater Report. KN4LUZ Bill (per Dee N4GD)
2m is working, 440 has some issues which will be investigated.

Trustee Report, Dave KR4U
Station is working fine
Please sign up for the Florida QSO party
check the WA7BNM contest calendar for upcoming contests (google!)
There is a weekly RTTY test (per the WA7BNM calendar) to try RTTY out
Dave mentions mentoring (a request from Carol)

W4TA Station Trustee Carol AB4YI
Absent, no report filed
website report, Zach K04WPO
No report filed

Newsletter/SPARC Gap Report Bruce KF4TYA
Issue 1 sent and a success.
Next issue is being prepared.
Send stories!!

Antenna Team, Ed NZ1Q
Absent, no report filed
Dave says W4CU built a 40m dipole that needs to be installed

Tom W4CU with contesting update
Absent, see other items for upcoming contests.

Upcoming contests
Florida QSO party April 27/28

Old Business:
Station open before meetings to learn how to operate and use the station. Will continue at meetings, VE sessions, and other days as volunteers available.

New Business:
Rich establishes a committee to review bylaws
Next month is show your mobile installation!

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