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Members Inducted Into A-1 Club

SPARC announces that three of its members have been inducted into the ARRL “A-1 Operator Club.” Nominated by Dave, KR4U and George, W1AAG, SPARC members Dee, N4GD; Tom, NY4I and Bob, N2ESP received framed A-1 Operator Club Member certificates and pins at the February club meeting.

L-R: N4GD Dee, NY4I Tom, N2ESP Bob
L-R: Dee, N4GD; Tom, NY4I; Bob, N2ESP

First organized in May 1933, the ARRL A-1 Operator Club has a proud history and occupies an important place in Amateur Radio tradition. Communications Manager Ed Handy, W1BDI, announced its formation with these words in July 1933 QST:

Are you an A-1 Operator? Excellence in stations has often been emphasized. Yet, station performance, equipment, adjustment, etc., are but part of the story. The operation of the equipment, knowledge of procedure, and general communications technique are of very great importance in determining the results of any station. To bring attention to good operating as a paramount issue, and to give it something of the importance it deserves we are this month announcing in these columns the launching of a club for A-1 operators. 

Through the years, recognition as an A-1 Operator represented an unsolicited acknowledgment of one’s high standing among one’s peers. Prospective members must be nominated by two current members of the A-1 Operator Club. This prestigious award is based on:

  1. General considerations.
    • Transmissions: well filtered, minimum required bandwidth.
    • Voice: clarity, brevity, wording, grammar
    • Digital: tones, operating-frequency selection.
    • CW: character formation, spacing, appropriate speed
  2. Procedure.
    • Listen before transmitting.
    • Appropriately short CQs
    • Proper procedures and abbreviations
    • Make sure that traffic is routed to its destination.
  3. Judgment and courtesy.
    • Courteous, and considerate of the other operator’s point of view.
    • Assists others, especially beginners.
    • Patient and helpful
    • Never knowingly operates as to lessen the pleasure of others.
  4. Copying ability.
    • Passing information through interference from other stations (QRM), atmospheric noises (QRN), fading (QSB), etc.

Congratulations Dee, Tom and Bob.

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